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At TechDealDigger our mission is to save you money by uncovering the HOTTEST deals on technology products. Every day we search hundreds of sites, filtering through thousands of deals and report on a select few that meet our rigorous criteria. When you find a deal on TechDealDigger, you can trust that you're looking at an excellent price on a highly-rated product.
Here's what makes us unique from other deal sites:
- We ONLY focus on technology deals -- we leave the toilet paper deals to others
- We ONLY focus on the HOTTEST deals -- we look for a minimum 25% or $50 savings before posting a deal
- We ONLY feature deals on GOOD products -- before posting deals we research user and editorial reviews from our partners. We feature that information front-and-center so you can make an informed buying decision. After all, a good price on a bad product is a not a good deal.
In our coupons section, we offer thousands of coupons that will save you money at your favorite online retailers. Check TechDealDigger before making your next purchase for free shipping offers and other discounts.
Here's what some of our users say:
"I saved 25% on Xbox 360 and got a great laptop for $320! Techdealdigger is the first place I turn to for electronics and computer deals." -DaveM, Norfolk, VA